Why does God talk so much about money and “stuff” in the Bible? I thought it was because it was important to God. But recently I changed my mind. I think it’s because it’s so important to us.

Money is too important to me.

I’ve made some improvement in this area—not as fast as I’d like, but I think God is okay with my slow progress. I’m now a firm believer that the Bible is the ultimate authority on money and things, and I’m developing the habit of reading it regularly to see what God wants to teach me, asking Him what I should do with what He has entrusted to me. I’m also trying to have more conversations with other Christians who love Jesus and want to please Him, as well as seeking wise counsel from others who can advise Nicole and me as well as pray for us. I still have so much to learn—and just when I think I’m starting to get it, a stressful event occurs and whacks me back down to reality!

Handling money can be so challenging—always wanting more, never wanting to part with it. I think sometimes we hold on to our money and our things so tightly that they actually hurt us. I picture gripping money in my fist to the point of actual pain, and it reminds me how foolish that is. Sometimes we’re guilty of thinking far too much about money and how to get more. We believe that more money and more stuff will give us everything we need to be completely happy and fulfilled. I’ve learned the hard way that this is a lie.

When I read the Bible, I get a strong sense that I need to replace money and stuff with Jesus. If I am to hold onto anything so tightly it hurts, it should be Jesus. If I am to think too much about anything, it should be Jesus. Only Jesus gives us everything we need to be fulfilled. I want to get to the point where I will do anything to get more of Jesus.

Holding on to money and holding on to Jesus—two ends of the spectrum. The former is where I was when I started this journey, the latter is where I believe God wants me to be. And although God is not against wealth (money and stuff), He is teaching me that it is a stronghold in my life and as I loosen the grip, I am better able to grab hold of Jesus, my ultimate treasure.

“I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ” (Philippians 3:7-8).


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