We each have 100 usable hours, give or take, every week after we take out sleep and commuting.
Does that seem like a lot to you? Or not very much?
With most of us working around 50 hours each week, that leaves another 50 hours for the other priorities in our lives.
I struggle with this. Constantly.
It’s hard to give enough time to my relationship with Nicole, my son Luke, my stepmom and my mother and father in law, friends, church community, and taking care of myself physically. I also need a little down time so I don’t go crazy. I wrestle with how to fit everything in, and no matter what I’m doing, I feel like I should be doing something else. I’m constantly feeling guilt, shame and fear.
How do you do it? What do you do in order to maximize these 100 hours every week, preserving and growing your important relationships, without losing clients, getting fired, ruining your marriage, or burning out?
I use the lineup in order to keep me focused on what is most critical. It’s not perfect, but for me, although it has been a struggle, it has improved my most critical relationships.
But I know how easy it is to slip back into old habits. I worry I’ll go back to being crazed and confused, especially now that I am launching this blog. I just don’t know where the time is going to come from.
More coffee? Less sleep? Help!
My most important relationship, with Jesus, is at risk of slipping due to my busyness and my addiction to social media. I am not where I once was spiritually. I am getting too busy and having more and more trouble saying “no thank you.”
Decisions are hard, but I know you can help me. So, come on, give me your best advice, I want to learn from you.
Thank you for helping me out!
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